Nature and Second Chances

In a world where fear mongering appears to be one of the greatest marketing techniques, whether financial stability, religious judgments or social acceptance, it is a wonderful thing to remember gratitude in the moment. Always. It is fearful people who project fearful things.
The other evening I was feeling jittery, unsettled. I took myself outside, my shoulders wrapped in a soft shawl. I stood barefoot for a moment then took one step and stopped, felt the cedar fronds under my bare toes, the cool earth, watched the sky between the tree branches, felt the air; crisp, fresh. Then I took another step, soft moss, sharp twigs, angry charcoal clouds scudding, wind lifting my hair. And another step. Ahhh, peace.
I am so grateful for where I live. I wonder about those who live in inner city situations...where do they find the peace and grace to breathe? I am addicted to nature. It soothes me.
And so I ended up on a large boulder with the cat, Chesterton, who followed me in my "walking meditation". The age old wisdom, "Be STILL and know that I am God" comes to me again and again. It is in stillness that I am able to hear that Intelligence that permeates all of life. In stillness that I can hear my own Voice that reminds me no matter what may have gone on in my life prior to this moment, ALL is as it should be, because ALL has brought me to this perfect, perfect moment of quietude.
Each day I need to choose between grace or control, worry or fearless joy. Each choice determines, in the long run, my days to come.
I have always had a strong belief in love, no matter what. No, I've not always lived this belief well...rage and blame and hate have at times spewed out, accompanied by revenge, but when they have exorcised themselves from my psyche I am reminded again that loving (without caretaking) is where the peace lies...always.
At times people try to convince me that some people are not worthy of my love, but I bulldog my opinion that love always wins, no matter the situation.
So today is a day for love and fearlessness. And as I type this I am reminded that often we are tested on what we believe. But I won't worry about that, because even when I mess things up, Life and God present me with a million second chances to make things right, walk blissfully with grace and find another thousand ways to be happy!