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Bring On Spring!

Bring On Spring!

Okay.  Sure.  Spring is slow to come.  I get it.  Extra Vitamin D these days.  And every bit of sunshine is gold.  Even if it's momentary, it brightens our world.  Our eyes covet flowers and blue sky, waiting for the sound of bees and the wings of butterflies.

But IN THE MEANTIME, while we wait for the world to make us joyful, there are so many opportunities to make ourselves happy.  I think of the ways I sit, sometimes, zoned out in front of yet another mindless miniseries, scaring myself, or laughing, or just being bored, lazily skimming through a 45 minute show in 10 minutes.  And outside the whole grand, wet, green world is waiting for me to show up.  

I can wander to the goat shed and watch the new goat kids hop and twist around the pen, jumping off of mama, off of me, off of anything.  I can gather fresh kale from the garden, so tender and sweet in the early spring months.  Or maybe a slow walk down the damp back roads with my dogs, a coffee in hand.

Maybe it's time to meet some girlfriends for breakfast, write a new poem, do some bulk cooking for the freezer, chat with my sweetheart in front of a crackling fire, because yes, it's still cold inside.

When I am present with the world, no matter whether it is behaving the way I want it too, there is always, always, always beauty.

Today I bought tulips for the shop, because I need spring close to me.  How will you bring sunshine, color and beauty near?  How will you show up to this beautiful world?